My Christmas Bucket List

When there's Christmas spirit in the shops, Starbucks coffee and on the TV, then it's the right time to give me an excuse to make a bucket list and embrace the festive season. I will tick off as I go along and (hopefully) complete the list. Though I have a main one, I thought it would be fun to make a Christmas one. Hopefully you guys will be inspired to make your own, and if you do, let me know in the comments. :)

My Christmas Bucket List:

- See the Christmas Lights on Oxford and Regent Street
- Go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park
- Go Ice Skating
- Decorate my nails with snowflakes
- Try all the Starbucks Christmas drinks
- Buy new decorations for my room
- Write a little Christmas story and post it on my blog
- Go to Harrods during the festive season
- Visit Convent Garden at Christmas
- Buy a cute Christmas jumper
- Get Christmas pyjamas
- Create a Christmas playlist for my iPod

Fingers crossed that I'm able to complete this little bucket list.
Is there anything in my list that you guys want to try?
